Kargakos: "It may in fact not be a tomb, but a ceremonial place for religious event"


The well-known history professor, mr. Kargakos, described the mosaic as explicitly beautiful and the tomb of Amfipoli as "the biggest political event of the year".


"From the photographical evidence I can conclude that this is a macedonian mosaic of the classical ear, similar to the mosaics of Pella with some Athenian characteristics. Let us not forget that Amfipoli was created by the Athenians", he stated about the magnificent mosaic.

He also mentioned that the mosaic might depict a wedding ceremony and not a funeral cortege.

"It may in fact not be a tomb, but a ceremonial place for religious event", noted  mr.Kargakos.

He concluded that "We must remain calm and reserved for this excavation has a lot to offer in the future and maybe there will be a few decates until the hill is thoroughly explored"

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